Mary Clark, author of Tally: An Intuitive Life, invited me to participate in a blog hop. Please visit her blog and check out her book on Amazon. It looks really interesting, doesn't it?
I admit, although I'm new to the official blog hop world, I--like many of you--have been hopping through blogs for a few years now. It's fun to read the daily goings on of friends. This endeavor has been enjoyable. Part of the agreement for participating in this endeavor is to answer the questions on the writing process, below. I'll keep my answers brief.
1. What are you working on?
My gardening memoir, Grace In The Garden: Thirty Years of Blunders and Bliss is in edits now. The title pretty much explains the content. It's a look back at how my garden and my gardening life have evolved over the years. It's a much lighter read than my first book, REACHING and hopefully will appeal to non-gardeners as well as those who enjoy digging in the dirt.
2. Why do you write what you do?
The short answer: because it's what I like to read. Memoir has always appealed to me. I enjoy reading about ordinary people overcoming extraordinary obstacles. It's what inspires me and gives me hope in humanity. Crafting my own experiences into something literary makes me feel really good. That's not to say I'll never write fiction. Never say never. 3. How does your writing process work?
My most successful writing happens in the morning but because I work full time, I am forced to write when I can. I find that stepping away from a first draft for awhile allows me to come at it with fresh eyes and often a better vocabulary. And I'm fortunate to have good editors.
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To keep the blog hop going, I've got three fellow blogging authors that I know you'll be interested in visiting.