Writing for The Huffington Post and BLOOM

By Mmostynthomas @MostynThomasJou

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of seeing an article I’d written about my parenting experiences go live on The Huffington Post. It originally appeared in BLOOM, a fantastic blog that I’d recommend to anyone for its pragmatic and inclusive attitude towards disability parenting.

If you missed the tweets, retweets and shared Facebook/LinkedIn updates, below is the link to that article:

What A Little Girl Taught Me About Humanity

After all that vent spleen on my to-do list, I wasn’t sure people would be all that interested in my journalism anymore. To my surprise and delight, that post was retweeted nearly 20 times – and got to the 15 most-viewed of all time on this blog.

I’m grateful to everyone who gave me such kind support and encouragement, and that includes those who commented on the blog, emailed me,  or gave me their reassurance on Facebook. Thankyou all.

Onwards Christian soldiers!