Writing Challenge 25

By Brian Abbott

The second of two writing challenges this month!

To spark your creativity, The Poisoned Martini features monthly images to get you started.  Such images, because of their visual nature, vividly speak to writers and spark ideas for writing.  The idea is to view the image below and to write a scene, a short story, a chapter, a novella, or maybe even a novel.

Last month featured a screenshot of a character I’ve played in the MMORPG Vindictus.  The game, which first launched in 2010, involves your character’s battles against the Fomors and a prophecy that various factions may be in the process of manipulating for their own ends.  The story takes some inspiration from Celtic lore as presented in the Mabinogion, a collection of Welsh manuscripts.  The game is known in Korea, where it originated, as Mabinogi Heroes.  The screenshot was taken at a moment when Lann, the duel-wielding swordsman, had just defeated the latest kobold threat in Hoarfrost Hollow.  View the image here.

For this month’s challenge, The Poisoned Martini presents something more abstract.  Colors evoke many things.  Is the effect here reminiscent of Art?  blurred traffic?  or something else?  What will you be inspired to write?

Happy Writing & Happy New Year!