Bookended by Beauty Queens
here with us today!
Tell us a bit about yourself:
I am a wife, a mom, and a writer from Minnesota. Bookened by Beauty Queens is my first release.Do you work another job when you are not writing? Yes, unfortunately most new writers can sustain themselves on their first sale. By day I’m a mild mannered office work and at night I’m a glamorous writer!
What is your favorite thing to do when you aren’t writing? All my free time these days seems to revolve around playing dolls with my daughter and reading Doctor Seuss. When I do have time for myself I love to read and watch movies.
What is your favorite color? Why? Royal Blue because it excites me when I see it. If I see something that’s royal blue I want to own it.
What is your favorite season? Why? Spring. Everything is budding and coming to life, it’s so full of possibilities.
If you could live anyplace on earth, where would it be? Why? I know it’s sounds crazy but for me Minnesota is the perfect place to be. We get all four season. The community supports the arts in all forms. I don’t think I would trade being here for the world, though I would like two or three tropical vacations every winter.
If you could have any car, what would it be? The new Honda CRV. They’re so darn cool! I’ve been drooling over them since the Super Bowl and now I want to trade in my car.
Tell us about your writing: Bookended by Beauty Queens is women’s fiction. It’s the story of Angie Palmer a very private person who finds herself in the middle of a right to life battle.
How long have your been writing? Was it a dream, a goal or is it just a hobby? I’ve been writing all my life. I honestly don’t remember a time when I wasn’t writing stores or poetry. Having a book published was always a goal of mine.
How many hours a day do you devote to writing? Usually a half an hour to an hour every day. I have a full time job and young kids so it can’t be more right now. Hopefully as they get older I can make more time.
Do you have a set routine or do you write when the mood strikes? I have a routine. I work through my lunch hours at work, and after my kids go to bed.
Is there some place special you like to be when you write? I have an office that is my “writing” space. Ironically very little writing gets done there. I usually write on my sofa instead.
Do you listen to music or do you need a quiet place to write? I have toddlers so there’s no such thing as a quiet place in my house. If there’s music it’s usually The Freshbeat Band with a two-year-old singing along.
Tell us about your book: Bookended by Beauty Queens is women’s fiction. It’s the story of Angie Palmer a very private person who finds herself in the middle of a right to life battle.
What is the name of it and is it part of a series or a standalone novel? The book is called Bookended by Beauty Queens and it is a standalone.
Where did the idea come from? How long did it take to write? It took me over a year to write and another few months to edit. I’m a really slow writer. Bookended by Beauty Queens started out with me wanting write a generational piece about Angie and her Grandmother coming together to learn from each other, with a little romance for Angie thrown in. But like the tag line says life doesn’t always turn out the way you planned and neither does writing. When I started writing Bookended by Beauty Queens, the whole country was focused on the Terri Schiavo case, and I was trying to understand what was happening. How could people who really knew nothing about the circumstance feel so passionately about what this woman and her family. Val initially came into my story as a tool to draw the character of Angie out of herself and act as a bridge between her and her Grandmother. Then he ended up being a conduit for my understanding of the whole right to life campaign. Or would it be right to death?
What is it about? A right to life battle. Here’s a little blur:Angie Palmer likes her life just the way it is–private. She has no desire to entangle herself in complex friendships, and her relationship with her two beauty queen sisters is safely distant. When disaster strikes Angie takes her Grandmother into her home. Life with Grandma comes with a world of changes, and new friends, including Val, a drag queen with hopes of being the next US-Gay Beauty Queen. Angie is determined to keep Val at a distance but Val has an instinct for knowing Angie’s heart. Just as Angie gets comfortable with Grandma living with her, a budding friendship with Val, and a new romantic interest, everything takes an unexpected turn. Val is the victim of a violent crime and ends up in a coma. Angie begins a struggle against Val’s family who wants to remove their son from life support.Suddenly Angie’s private life becomes very public, and her world becomes a media circus. She is caught in a clash between religious beliefs and gay rights. Through many twists and turns, Angie discovers a new appreciation for family, friends, and love.In the end, Angie learns that a life filled with people to care about is never too crowded.
Your other work: This is my first published work.
Do you have any upcoming projects in the works or other books that have been published? I’m working on another book that should be a romance if it stays on track.
Where can readers connect with you? Blog:
Where can we buy your books?Amazon
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