here with us today!
Tell us a bit about yourself:In a nut shell, I’m an egomaniac with an inferiority complex constantly seeking humility… a life long battle that coincides with my daily reprieve from addiction contingent upon my spiritual condition. I do not take myself too seriously, on a good day anyways.Do you work another job when you are not writing? I work as an Investment Analyst for a mutual fund company.What is your favorite thing to do when you aren’t writing? I love to travel, I’m headed to Belize in two weeks! What is your favorite color? Why? I like Green, it’s the color of trees, grass, money, and it comes in so many beautiful shades.What is your favorite season? Why? Spring because it just started! Yay! Warm weather here we come!If you could live anyplace on earth, where would it be? Why? Probably Bali Indonesia; It’s an amazing place and I was fortunate to spend a month there. I love the culture and the kind people there.If you could have any car, what would it be? A bicycle. Tell us about your writing:How long have your been writing? Was it a dream, a goal or is it just a hobby? I have been writing off and on throughout my like and have dreamed about telling my story for a long time. After much healing and therapy I was finally ready.
Words like belittling and narcissistic were not in my vocabulary. Later, learning these words helped me disconnect from the mental torture. The tension would build as I protected him while he isolated me from friends and family. Then there would be an incident of abuse which confused me. At first it was lying, hurtful words and actions but quickly escalated to guns at my head, knives, and using my son to manipulate and control me. The honeymoon phase would be another fabulous trip to Hawaii or resort hopping around the world. I didn’t see the cycle or even understand abuse. The drugs and alcohol allowed me to tolerate and numb the pain until my spirit dwindled down to a shadow of nothingness. How could I escape the far reaching sabotage of any attempt at my freedom? Could there be a way out? Could I find a way to spare my son from this drug infested violent existence that would surely crush his soul?
Your other work:Do you have any upcoming projects in the works or other books that have been published? As I mentioned I am bust writing the second book of the series SICK.Where can readers connect with you? I love to connect with reader and other authors, it’s truly a joy.Jen Smith SICK Blog
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