Writer’s Strike

By Kyknoord

Public Service Announcement: There is no comic today and updates may be somewhat erratic in the coming weeks. Regular service will resume as soon as I have managed to find my way out of the emotional shitstorm I am presently navigating.

I recently mentioned an issue at home relating to my darling wife. As it so happens, that was merely a rumbling that warned of the explosive eruption to come…

Two days ago, when I returned home from a long day in the dungeon, my usual “Hello sweetheart, how was your day?” was met with the unexpected answer, “I want a divorce”.

Well okay, maybe not totally unexpected, given the current circumstances, but it certainly threw me off. What ensued was a lengthy tirade about my myriad failings as man and a husband, culminating in her telling me that she regrets not leaving me when I was in that coma three years ago.

I acknowledge that I am but a mere shadow of the man I used to be and that I am deeply, deeply flawed. However, my pain and health issues are not going away anytime soon and I can’t simply “get over them”, as she suggests. Maybe if I just put in more effort my damaged organs will miraculously heal themselves. Oh wait, that actually doesn’t work. Hmm… what to do?

Anyway, her anger and frustration are understandable. Her deliberate cruelty – less so. Why did she feel it was necessary to twist the knife? I may be a monster, but surely even monsters can be shown a little mercy.