Wreck this Journal Pages 34-35 Document your dinner. Rub, Smear, Splatter Your FoodUse This Page As A Napkin I love some Chick-fil-A chicken. I destroyed my fry box to make this page, so it does have some fry grease on it. =)
"If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world." J.R.R. TolkienI drew a tiny waffle fry and Chick-fil-A sandwich. It's smaller than I meant it to be, but I didn't mess up! Also, I added the Eat Mor Chikin slogan and I made the 3's in the page number like the C in Chick-fil-A.
"Some books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly." Sir Francis Bacon
P.S. If you haven't had Sour Patch Kids gum.. it's AMAZING. I did NOT chew and glue a piece of that. It's way too good to waste, but the packaging worked well for this collage.