This is Disney Pixar’s latest animated film, and it’s a little different to the usual. It‘s a fresh and original idea of a film based on old school arcade games and the character in them being alive. The film follows Wreck-It Ralph (John C. Reilly), the dejected bad guy from the game Fix-It Felix, who is constantly overshadowed by Fit-It Felix (Jack McBrayer), the good guy from his game. His adventure begins as he decides he no longer wants to be bad, the he travels into other games in search of a medal, so that he can be more liked inside his game.
It’s Rich Moore’s debut directing a feature film, and with an original and compelling storyline, and an array of famous voices for the cast, such as John C. Reilly, Sarah Silverman and Jack McBrayer, it’s obvious that this film is going to be a success.
The film is visually ambitious with its mixture of computer animated CGI and old school 8-bit arcade games throughout. It’s entertaining to see characters from different arcade games, for example Pac-Man, showing up throughout the film, and although not all of the younger viewers will understand them, it’s fun for older viewers to see the characters from their favorite childhood games.
It’s a pleasant film that is light-hearted and easy to watch, it combines classic Disney sentiment and witty humor perfectly. Like most Disney Pixar films it’s aimed at kids but there are jokes in there that viewers of all ages will enjoy.
If you enjoy this film I recommend: Brave (2012), Despicable Me (2010) and Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (2009)