WP Engine eCommerce Hosting Review 2022: + 4 Months Free Trial

Posted on the 25 February 2022 by Isaac Ss @onlinem13

If you run an eCommerce store, you know that having a fast, reliable website is essential for keeping your customers happy and driving traffic to your site.

In this WP Engine eCommerce hosting review, we’ll take a look at whether or not this hosting provider is the right fit for eCommerce businesses like yours.

We’ll also discuss some of the pros and cons of using WP Engine for eCommerce stores. So, if you’re considering making the switch to WP Engine hosting for eCommerce or are just curious about what they have to offer, keep reading!

Sign up for the Wp engine e-commerce today and get 4 month free!

What is eCommerce hosting?

eCommerce hosting is a type of web hosting specifically designed for online stores and businesses.
It provides the necessary tools and features to help businesses run smoothly and successfully online.

eCommerce hosting plans come with various features, such as shopping cart software, one-click checkout, fraud protection, and more. Additionally, many hosts offer PCI compliance, which is necessary for businesses that process credit cards.

WP Engine eCommerce hosting – what is it, and how does it work?

WP Engine’s eCommerce hosting is a specialized service that provides fast and reliable WordPress hosting for online stores.

WP Engine eCommerce hosting is based on their WP Engine platform, a powerful and user-friendly content management system. Businesses can easily create and manage their online stores using WP Engine eCommerce hosting.

If you’re running an online store, you need a hosting plan optimized for eCommerce. WP Engine offers specialized eCommerce hosting designed to help your store run smoothly and securely.
With WP Engine, you’ll get access to features like unlimited storage and bandwidth, automated backups, malware scanning and removal, and more. Plus, you’ll get expert support from WP Engine’s team of eCommerce experts.

Why use WP Engine eCommerce hosting?

WP Engine’s eCommerce hosting is the best option for online stores because it offers a wide range of features designed to help you succeed with your store. These features include:

Free SSL certificate

With a free SSL certificate, you can protect customers’ information and build trust with them.

Your site will be more secure, so people can shop without worrying about any compromised data!

A custom domain name

You get a custom domain name for your store, which helps make it look more professional and help with your SEO.

Payment gateway integration

WP Engine offers a service that makes it easy for you to accept payments from your customers. 

The hosting company integrates with popular payment gateways like Stripe and PayPal, which means no worries about how much money is owed or an account balance!

Google Analytics integration

WP Engine’s hosting service is perfect for eCommerce stores that need responsive and mobile-friendly. 

It integrates with Google Analytics, which helps track your progress and see how well the site performs in terms of traffic metrics like number clicks or items purchased per visit; this can give you insights on what areas may need more attention when it comes down to optimizing them further!

What kind of features does WP Engine eCommerce hosting offer?

WP Engine Woocommerce hosting offers a suite of online stores, including powerful technology, award-winning services, and workflow tools.

Their technology is designed to help your store run quickly and smoothly, while their award-winning customer service team is available 24/7 to help you with any issues that may arise.

eCommerce Advanced Features

Instant Store Search for advanced product search

WP Engine’s hosting service includes Instant Store Search, allowing customers to quickly and easily find the products they are looking for. This feature provides a powerful search engine that can index your entire store in real-time, so you’ll never miss out on potential sales opportunities again!

Automated plugin updates and visual regression testing

WP Engine is committed to keeping your store up-to-date with the latest security patches and features. 

They also test any changes before they are released, giving you peace of mind that no matter what happens on WordPress’s end or how many visitors have access at one time (which can be hundreds!), all users will still see an attractive website thanks in large part because WP Engines does its job so well!

Woo blocks, store starter template, and 100% custom eComm blocks!

These tools make it easy for you to quickly build your online shop without coding everything from scratch, which saves time, money and give you an unrivaled look!

Powerful WooCommerce Hosting

With the power of WordPress and WooCommerce, create a website that is both beautiful to look at and functional using features like:

Platform level protection from threats & attacks

WordPress and WooCommerce are a perfect match for those looking to create an online store that their customers will love. The two tools have shown time after again as powerful enough in themselves and working together seamlessly, making them even more capable of doing what you need from each one!

Shared hosting with plenty of headroom.

It ensures that you’ll never have to worry about the website going down because it has plenty of resources, making sure everything runs smoothly and quickly with no downtime whatsoever! Plus, access our award-winning customer support team, so there’s always someone available at all times when needed.

Sign up for the Wp engine today and get 4 month free!

Compute-optimized dedicated servers

WP Engine has the perfect solution to ensure stability for your site. Dedicated servers are designed with eCommerce in mind, so that never happens!

WordPress-optimized caching & CDN

Your store will be cached, so you can sell anywhere without worrying about slow performances due to distance or traffic congestion! No more having an offline shop in some areas and online in others. Caching is an excellent solution for those who want their business scope beyond physical location limits.

Managed WordPress & PHP updates

You don’t have to worry about updates anymore.

You can stop manually managing your WordPress and PHP settings. This will ensure that the store is automatically updated with all of its latest security patches, which means you’ll never need another task in this area again!

Global data centers available

With global data centers available on the platform, you can choose the best location for your needs. Whether it’s close by or halfway across Earth-the choice is yours!

Easy-to-Use Workflow Tools

Workflow tools allow you to make changes quickly and easily. This is perfect for stores that need to change their content regularly, or ones with a large number of products–the ability to be able on different pages at once make managing more effortless than ever!

Free automated migrations for existing stores

You can avoid the hassle of manually transferring your site by using wp engine. It will migrate all information for you and even offer free automated migrations to ensure everything works as expected!

One-click staging & development environment

With WP Engine’s one-click development and staging environment, eCommerce store owners can create copies of their websites with the option to test or develop on them quickly.

Automated backups & restore points.

Automated backups and restore points are an integral part of the WP Engine eCommerce hosting experience. Automatically backed up every day, you can easily go back in time if something goes wrong or want to see what was happening when things were fresh again!

Effortless Local development

Do you need to test your store on a local server? 

WP Engine eCommerce hosting includes effortless local development. You can easily install WP Engine and develop it locally! This is perfect for stores that want to test their content or functionality before going live and those who don’t yet know how they’ll be running things online from day one of launching their business into expansion mode.

Free image compression in Local Development

You don’t have time or patience for slow-loading sites, which is why WP Engine has made this feature available at no extra cost.

The goal is always to provide the best service possible, and this means making sure that their customers can deliver an excellent user experience without having any technical hurdles standing in their way.

With just one click of a button, you can compress all of your product images with ease! No more waiting around while everything loads – now you can get back into action right away!

Free broken link checking in Local Development

When you’re building a site, certain aspects can not be overlooked. One way to make sure all your links work properly and don’t give visitors an error message when they click through is with this plugin for Local Development by WP Engine called ‘Broken Links.’ It will quickly scan over every page on the website, looking out for any broken images or scripts which could result in a terrible user experience!

Wp Engine eCommerce hosting Pricing

WP Engine offers five different pricing plans for eCommerce hosting, so you can choose the plan that’s right for your store. The company slogan is “your website on steroids!” They mean it!

With faster speeds than other hosts out there with 24/7 tech support to help keep things running smoothly, their services are worth checking into if you’re looking forward to starting an online business or want one done professionally without any fussiness attached (plus free domains):

Ecommerce Startup Plan @ $30 / Month

The Starter plan is perfect for new companies with a limited number of products or just starting their store. It’s an affordable package that will allow you to create and sell your product online without incurring unnecessary costs.

It offers features like:

  • 10 GB storage,
  • 25,000 visits/month,
  • Free automated plugin updates
  • 50GB bandwidth
  • Woocommerce template
  • Optimized theme
  • One-click store creation

Ecommerce Professional Plan @ $62 / Month

This plan is not just about the website. It’s also essential to have an efficient e-store that can handle high sales volumes customer traffic – and deliver goods quickly on time, so customers don’t go elsewhere! 

Features of the pro plan:

  • 15GB storage
  • 75,000 visits/month
  • 125GB bandwidth
  • Instant store search
  • One-click store creation
  • Automated plugin updates
  • Customized store theme
  • Woocommerce template

Ecommerce Growth plan @ $116 / Month

The Ecommerce hosting growth plan is perfect for those looking to build and grow their e-Commerce store fast. The $116 monthly fee will give you more than enough space, bandwidth access, and several other essential features in today’s market–all at an affordable price!

This plan offers:

  • 20GB storage
  • 100,000 visits/month
  • 100GB bandwidth
  • Priority support
  • Two free hours of WP Engine’s acclaimed Creative Services
  • Instant store search
  • One-click store creation
  • Automated plugin updates
  • Customized store theme
  • Woocommerce template

Ecommerce Scale plan $291 / Month

The WoocommerceScale plan is perfect for high-traffic stores that need the ability to quickly and easily scale their hosting solution.

This plan offers:

  • 30 sites
  • 50GB storage
  • 400,000 visits/month
  • 500GB bandwidth
  • Instant store search
  • One-click store creation
  • Automated plugin updates
  • Customized store theme
  • Woocommerce template

Custom plan

WP Engine also offers custom plans if you don’t see a plan that meets your specific needs.

Just contact their team, and they will be more than happy to help you out!

WP Engine’s eCommerce hosting is the perfect way to take your store to the next level. 

With features like automated backups, effortless local development, free image compression, and free broken link checking, you can focus on what’s important – your products and customers. Plus, with five different pricing plans to choose from, WP Engine has the perfect plan for any store.

How to create a store on WP Engine eCommerce hosting

Creating an online store can be a daunting task. You have to choose the right platform, design your store, add products, and set up payment processing. 

And that’s just the beginning! WP Engine makes it easy to create a store on its eCommerce hosting platform.

Step #1. Setting up your account.

To set up your store with WP Engine’s eCommerce hosting, you’ll need to do the following:

  1. Sign up for an account
  2. Choose the eCommerce hosting plan that is right for you
  3. Add your store’s details, such as the domain name and payment gateway information
  4. Set up your store’s settings, including the products you want to sell and the shipping information
  5. Start selling products to your customers!

Step #2: Setting up SSL and creating a custom domain name for the site.

SSL is a critical security protocol that helps protect the information your customers enter in your store. WP Engine’s eCommerce hosting includes a free SSL certificate, so you don’t need to worry about setting it up yourself.

To use your custom domain name with WP Engine’s eCommerce hosting, you’ll need to do the following:

  1. Add the custom domain name to your account
  2. Set up DNS records for the domain name
  3. Point the domain name at WP Engine’s servers

Step #3: Creating a payment gateway account, such as Stripe or PayPal, and linking it to your store

One of the most important aspects of running an online store is accepting payments from your customers. 

WP Engine’s eCommerce hosting integrates with popular payment gateways like Stripe and PayPal, making it easy for you to start taking payments.

To set up a payment gateway account with WP Engine’s eCommerce hosting, you’ll need to do the following:

  1. Sign up for a statement with the payment gateway of your choice
  2. Enter your account information into WP Engine’s eCommerce hosting
  3. Start taking payments from your customers!

Step #4: Adding products to the store, including pictures, descriptions, and prices

To sell products in your store, you’ll need to add them to the store’s inventory. WP Engine’s eCommerce hosting makes it easy for you to add products, including pictures, descriptions, and prices.

To add a product to your store, you’ll need to do the following:

  1. Go to the products page in your WP Engine account
  2. Click the “Add product” button
  3. Enter the details of your product, including the name, description, price, and images
  4. Save your product

Step #5: Setting up shipping information.

When you set up your store with WP Engine’s eCommerce hosting, you’ll need to provide information about the shipping methods you offer. This information will be included on your store’s checkout page, so your customers can see how much it will cost to have their order shipped.

To set up your store’s shipping information, you’ll need to do the following:

  1. Go to the settings page for your store
  2. Click the “Shipping” tab
  3. Enter the shipping information for your store
  4. Save your changes

Step #6: Setting up your store’s checkout page.

The checkout page is where your customers will enter their payment information and shipping information. WP Engine’s eCommerce hosting includes a built-in checkout page, so you don’t need to worry about setting it up yourself.

To set up your store’s checkout page, you’ll need to do the following:

  1. Go to the settings page for your store
  2. Click the “Checkout” tab
  3. Enter the information about your checkout page
  4. Save your changes

Step #7: Adding a logo and other branding to your store

If you want to add a logo or other branding to your store, WP Engine’s eCommerce hosting includes a built-in editor that you can use to customize the look and feel of your store.

To add branding to your store, you’ll need to do the following:

  1. Go to the settings page for your store
  2. Click the “Branding” tab
  3. Upload your logo and other branding
  4. Save your changes

Step #8: Getting help and support

If you need help or support setting up your store, all WP Engine hosting plans for e-commerce include many resources that you can use, including:

  1. The WP Engine knowledge base
  2. The WP Engine forums
  3. The WP Engine blog
  4. The WP Engine support team
  5. The WP Engine academy
  6. WP Engine’s paid support plans

No matter what kind of help or support you need, WP Engine’s eCommerce hosting has you covered.

Now that you know how to set up WP Engine’s eCommerce hosting, you can start building your store and taking payments from your customers!

Tips for running an online store with WP Engine eCommerce hosting:

  • Make sure to add products to your store’s inventory, including pictures, descriptions, and prices.
  • Set up your store’s shipping information.
  • Enter the information about your checkout page.
  • Upload your logo and other branding.
  • Get help and support from WP Engine’s eCommerce hosting resources.

Pros and cons of WP Engine eCommerce hosting service


  • Easy to set up
  • Includes a built-in checkout page
  • Includes a built-in editor for branding your store
  • It consists of many resources for help and support
  • -Fast and reliable hosting service


  • Limited storage space
  • Expensive monthly rates


What payment gateways does WP Engine eCommerce hosting support?

WP Engine eCommerce hosting supports a limited number of payment gateways, including PayPal and Stripe.

Does WP Engine eCommerce hosting include support for subscriptions or memberships?

WP Engine eCommerce hosting does not include support for subscriptions or memberships.

How easy is it to set up WP Engine eCommerce hosting?

WP Engine’s eCommerce hosting is easy to set up. You can have your store up and running in a matter of minutes.

What kind of help and support does WP Engine eCommerce hosting offer?

WP Engine eCommerce hosting includes many resources for help and support, including the WP Engine knowledge base, forums, blog, and support team. It also consists of the WP Engine academy, which offers a range of video tutorials on setting up and using WordPress and WP Engine’s eCommerce hosting.

I can use a demo site to see how WP Engine eCommerce hosting works?

Yes, WP Engine has a demo site that you can use to see how its eCommerce hosting works. You can find the demo site at http://demo.wpengine.com/


WP Engine eCommerce hosting is an excellent option for anyone looking to set up an online store. It’s easy to set up and includes many features that make it easy to manage your store and take payments from your customers.

Try WP Engine eCommerce for 4 Months Free

Last Updated on February 26, 2022 by Isaac Ss