Wow Me Moment

By Bewilderedbug @bewilderedbug

When is the last time you've had a Wow Me Moment?

Do you even know what I mean by that? Okay, let me explain. You know those times in life when something just makes you feel so amazing that you actually say "wow..." whether it's happily gentle or overjoyed whooping to the sky. It's that moment that just makes you feel so good about yourself that it just makes your whole body feel warm and light and energetic.

I had one just a few days ago. And it was a real doozy or a wow me moment - to the point that my Mom, who was visiting at the time told me she wished she video taped it. At the same time, I was in my nightgown with a random clip in my hair, no makeup and lovely stripy old bedroom perhaps the video is better off not having been made. BUT, if you were on Twitter that night - you *may* have seen two slightly scary photos of me. No I'm not repeating them here. Go do your research! (hint hint #wowme32Red). I will however, show you what caused this wow me moment that I'm still over the moon about weeks later.

The lovely Haydy from Joe Blogs (you may know her as @Squibbvicious on Twitter) picked the perfect gift for me - she's an amazing gift picker-outter. Now you may have noticed that I've not been on the blog recently. I mean, really not been on the blog....and that's because my October and November have been incredibly hard due to some life circumstances that I'm not quite ready to talk about yet. I've actually disappeared from life in general...even sometimes (and irresponsibly) from work...which is really bad. I'm really trying to get my act together now....but anyway....perhaps that's why this little act of kindness meant so much to me. Perhaps that's what made this an absolutely spectacular wow me moment.....because it was such a relief that at least one person in my life ... well.. got me, even if it was in that tiniest little way.

This gift was perfect, and I wish that the way I was feeling was something I could bottle up and relive over and over again...I guess I'll have to depend on memories - memories and the many other spectacular life moments that are still to come.....after all, life is for living so go live it.

The thing is, a wow me moment does not have to be a gift opening/unwrapping. A wow me moment could be just going and doing something you've wanted to do for years, something you have had your eye on or even just something that you truly enjoy. For me, that was baking. For some, it's racing cars. For some, knitting. For some, winning big at a casino. For some, just walking around their neighbourhood and discovering something new. For some, exercising. Some trying out a new restaurant. Whatever your poison - go get addicted to life and create as many wow me moments as possible - because when you really need something to make you feel like a person again and to feel like you can go on (we all have those moments), that wow me moment may be the very thing that keeps you going.

What are you waiting for? Go wow me.