Would You Eat Your Placenta ?

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

Tara Price

You’ve just been through the most profound physical experience you shall ever in your life experience and your stomach begins to rumble. You’ve used all your energy and you need something to eat. Your eyes begin to roam around the room and you instantly drawn to your Placenta.

That’s right your Placenta sound crazy maybe but it is now a known fact that more women are now taking their newborn and their placenta home.

Many cultures consume their placenta as  it’s the norm, They claim it can help prevent post natal depression and is full of Iron and B-12 something that many mums lack in after child birth.

Would you ever consider eating your placenta ?

If you are you don’t necessarily have to eat it raw although many believe this is the most beneficial. You could try a placenta smoothie or maybe encapsulate them and take them daily. You could even fry it and use it on a Sunday dinner or maybe even a home made lasagna.

If any of the above appeal to you but you don’t wish to get your hands bloody there are now many companies that offer a collection service. They take away your placenta and encapsulate it for you.

So I ask again would you ever consider eating your placenta ?