Would You Be Happy With A Male Midwife?

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

Image: FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Would You Be Happy With A Male Midwife?

I was watching a convocation a few days ago about the care received during labor and one mom was speaking out about how great her midwife was and that the fact he was a man puzzled a few mums. I admit I have yet to see a male midwife and it did make me wonder if I would feel comfy with one.

I suppose he will have just as much experience as a female midwife, I think for me it’s more of a sexist argument, you just don’t expect men to be midwives.

I know we as mothers suffer some rather undesirable and embarrassing symptoms thanks to pregnancy and I am not too sure I would want to sit and chat about my discharge or the amount of pee I was dribbling to a guy at antenatal appointments, especially if he was a good looking guy.

But if I was on the labor ward in pain and a male midwife was there offering me good old gas and air, I don’t think it would bother me, hey I am there to get a baby out and don’t really care who helps me do that, be it male or female.

I would be happy for a guy to cut my hair so why not deliver my baby? My consultant and doctor are both males too.

I do wonder how my husband would cope with a man there during my labor though… is it a male thing do you think?

In 2011 reports show only 3% of midwives were male.

What Are Your Views? Would You Be Happy With A Male Midwife?