Would Y’all Be Here For Rihanna, Beyoncé & Nicki Minaj Song?

Posted on the 22 July 2014 by Mikeylately @MikeyLately

So all over tumblr there have been photoshopped pictures of Rihanna, Beyoncé , and Nicki Minaj. Which got me thinking  what if they did a song together? Which then posed the question are y’all here for them teaming up? See what i think below.

So this team up can’t be like Destiny’s Child with Beyoncé and her two back up singers. Plus Nicki Minaj is not allowed to use her weak ass vocals and auto-tune to sing. Because I’m not here for that. I kind of want them to be a little group like TLC, but I can’t see that happening. So for this song let Beyonce have one or two verses, Rihanna can come in with chorus and a verse. We all know Rihanna’s chorus lines or hooks are what make songs pop. And then Nicki can round it off with a rap. And you know what I just got way to excited about this. This probably will never happen but you know what if it did. Y’all faves better watch out because that song is going straight to the top of the charts.