Worst State Tax Rates for Retirees?

Posted on the 05 December 2018 by Morage @kebmebms

There is an analysis out today on GoBankingRates.com that evaluates the tax rates of all 50 states, showing best and worst for retirees.

What it shows:

Nebraska, worst, worst, last place, of the 50 states followed far too closely by Kansas at 47th place and Missouri, next, at 46. Neighboring Iowa at 38. Arkansas, too, in the bottom, worse half, at 32. Oklahoma, 29.

Way to go, Midwestern states.

You don't have mountains, you don't have an ocean and you also don't have good tax policies for retirees.

Besides less traffic and hopefully cleaner skies, what do you have?

Note to retirees: Check out the states that have both no income tax and no tax on Social Security.

In the #1 best spot on the list for most friendly to retirees?


Check out that map.

Worst tax rates for retirees, right in the center of the nation.

Kudos, Missouri, kudos, Kansas and Nebraska.

Way to chase people away.