Worried That It’s Too Late To Bloom?

By Saraholeary @saraholeary

“It’s never too late to become the person you might have been.” – George Elliot

If you’re ready to step into your own potential and become the person you’ve longed to be, get ready for some inspiration from my friend Carol Hess – The “Star Polisher.”

Since I’m nearly buried under my “Get Done Before Moving to Portland” list, I gratefully accepted Carol’s offer to guest post on the blog this week. I hope you enjoy her story as much as I did!

Do you consider yourself a late bloomer? I do. In fact, I took the whole concept of being a late bloomer so far that I almost never bloomed at all!

I spent most of my considerable number of years on this planet not even realizing there was such a thing as blooming. I just knew I wasn’t all that happy.

Then, when I finally discovered blooming and realized I wasn’t doing it, I didn’t have a clue what to do about it. And so began the years in the self-help section of the bookstore and in the chair of the personal development workshop.

They were lonely years. None of my friends seemed to be searching as I was, nor could I put into words what it was I sought.

All I knew was what I had wasn’t enough.  I wanted more. More of what I wasn’t quite sure.

It was as if an unseen hand was planted firmly in my back, pushing me forward.  I did what I never would have dreamt of doing before. I went to workshops, weekend retreats, and spent six weeks at an ashram and yoga center all by myself.

I even lived in a summer house in Maine one long, cold, ridiculously snowy winter.  Every morning I broke the ice on the cats’ water bowl in my bedroom.  And it seemed like every afternoon I was up on the roof shoveling snow.

One year, a new found workshop friend suggested I go to massage school. So I did. Just like that, I packed up my cats and moved 1,500 miles away. That’s when I found out I don’t belong in Florida. Every energy meridian in my body flowed backward, until I moved back north again.

The Quest

I went on a crystal dig with a shaman who looked like a male Whoopi Goldberg. Every time I looked at him, I couldn’t help but laugh. He was very cool about it.

I worked with a faith healer in Mexico and discovered all the psych courses I took in college didn’t even begin to scratch the surface of the power of the mind over the body.

I did a fire walk. I studied the Medicine Wheel with a shaman. I consulted psychics, numerologists, astrologers, and plain old psychotherapists.

I turned over every stone I could think of, looking for the answer to a question I hadn’t even formulated. And, in the meantime, I started to bloom just a little bit.

The Bud Begins To Open

The quiet little child who had hidden behind her mother’s skirts when meeting a stranger had disappeared. A rather outgoing woman had taken her place. When did that happen?

The dedicated people pleaser who didn’t know she had needs, much less how to get them met, was starting to disappear. A more authentic woman beginning to own her place on the planet was emerging.

Two significant medical challenges demonstrated to that same woman that she was stronger and more courageous than she’d thought.

In Blossom!

And that brings us to today. I’m blooming – finally – although I have my days when I remain curled up tight, and not even the most persistent ray of sun can get me to open and blossom.

My quest for answers these days centers around self-care, earning a living with my coaching and writing business, being of service, empowering myself, and encouraging and inspiring others.

For the most part, I like where I am now, even though the number of unknowns in my life scares me shitless sometimes. And I really like the people coming into my life. I no longer feel like I’m all alone on this quest.

There are lots of us seeking answers, aren’t there?

I haven’t quite accepted how long it took me to get here and how much I still have left to do.

There is a giant clock ticking in my head that is saying, “Hurry up, Carol!  You haven’t got that much time left. Hurry up! Or you’re not going to get it all done!”

And then I remember who is really in charge of my life.

It’s the One who has been pushing me forward firmly but gently all these years. The One who has placed every stone in my hand that I’ve turned over. The One who loves me no matter what and knows there’s nothing late about my blooming.

I’m right on schedule.

The day came when the risk it took to remain tightly closed in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to bloom.” – Anais Nin

Do you consider yourself a late bloomer?  Where has your quest for answers taken you?  What’s the question whose answer you seek?


Carol Hess is in the inspiration business.  Through her coaching and writing, she inspires people to discover the unique and brilliant star that they are and to polish that star because the world is waiting for their light. For more information or to get in touch with Carol, please go to http://StarPolisher.com

photo by: aussiegall