#WorldEnvironmentDay: What is Your #EcoFriendlyRoutine

By Pawsforreaction @PawsForReaction
World Environment Day: What is your Eco Friendly Routine

The environment is something that is very important to me and my fur family, and it is something that I try to promote on Paws For Reaction. Today is World Environment Day and what I love about this day is that everyone across the globe is sharing their love for the environment and what they do to preserve this beautiful green planet of ours. Today on Twitter I will be tweeting #MyEcoFriendlyRoutine on my personal twitter account @GonzoTheFacey with some of the things I do to recycle, promote a sustainable environment and battle climate change.What are some of the things you do as part of your eco friendly routine? Please tweet me @GonzoTheFacey or @PawsForReaction and let me know! I can't wait to retweet all of your tips!!
