World Vision and Where We Take Our Stand

By Sjbedard @sjbedard

It has taken the internet by storm. First World Vision allowed people in same-sex marriages to be hired and then almost immediately after, they reversed their decision. Many people are ticked off because of both decisions. How should we be thinking about this?

Many Evangelicals are upset because World Vision seemed to be giving up on biblical values. My question is, why do we draw the line there? What about people who are in homosexual relationships but are not married? What about heterosexuals who are involved in premarital sex or who are living together? What about people who get drunk or who cheat on their taxes?

Same-sex marriage has become a hot button issue. But we must remember that unbiblical values do not begin there. If we disagree with allowing same-sex marriages for employees, we better be prepared to disagree with other activities as well.

I am firm supporter of traditional marriage, but I am not sure that same-sex marriage is the test of biblical values.

  • Homosexuality
  • Same-sex Marriage
  • World Vision

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