“Those little pieces of plastic, known as microplastics, can last hundreds of years and were detected in 88 percent of the ocean surface sampled during the Malaspina Expedition 2010,” lead researcher and the author of the study Andres Cozar from the University of Cadiz, told AFP.”
“The results of the study “Plastic debris in the open ocean” are based on 3,070 total ocean samples collected around the world by Spain’s Malaspina science expedition in 2010. They have been recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), an official journal of the US National Academy of Sciences (NAS).”
“Ocean currents carry plastic objects which split into smaller and smaller fragments due to solar radiation,” says Cozar. “These micro plastics have an influence on the behavior and the food chain of marine organisms.”
“Cozar added that most of the impacts taking place due to plastic pollution in the oceans “are not yet known.”
Source: rt.com
GR: Every day the air, the rivers, and the barges carry our garbage out to sea. Plastic might be the least harmful.