His name is Darius, and he is officially the world’s biggest rabbit.
He measures 4 ft 4 inches long and weighs a whopping 3½ stone or 49 lbs.
Jack Crone reports for The Daily Mail, April 5, 2015, that Darius may soon have to cede his crown as world’s biggest bunny to his son, Jeff. With 6 more months of growing to do, Jeff already measures 3ft 8in.
The two rabbits are Continental Giants. They cost their owner, Annette Edwards, 63, from Bromsgrove, England, £5,000 ($7,462) a year in food as they munch their way through 2,000 carrots and 700 apples a year, a bale of hay a week, and a huge dog bowl full of specialist rabbit food every day.
Jeff was born after Edwards introduced Darius to one of her other rabbits — another Continental Giant named Sally who measures a dainty 3ft 5 inches.
The family of three all live in Edwards’ back garden where they run free during the day. At night, the rabbits sleep each in a dog crate that would normally house a pet as large as a German shepherd.
Edwards insists the giant bunnies never make a mess and would be great house rabbits.