World Heritage Sites

Posted on the 27 July 2012 by Candornews @CandorNews

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World heritage sites are specific locations around the world that the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) chooses based on a criteria of human cultural impact and biological and ecological significance.

Currently there are 962 locations deemed to be world heritage sites: 745 of those are cultural sites; such as archeological ruins and towns that depict architecture from a historic time period for locale, 188 are natural sites; which are unique places of biological, ecological, geological phenomena, and 27 are considered mixed sites; which include both natural spectacles and cultural significance.

These sites are chosen from around the world based off a criteria you can find here, at UNESCO’s website.  They all contain great beauty, be it natural or man-made, as well as historical significance.

Of the 962 sites, there are 38 locations being threatened and are considered in danger.  The threats to these sites are both natural and man-made as well.  Armed conflict, global warming, as well as erosion and decay are just some of the reasons that cause these sites to request extra help for maintenance and to be considered in danger.

Check out the interactive map on UNESCO’s site and see if any of these sites are near you, you may be surprised.  Even if it’s not possible to travel to these sites, I still recommend glancing through them.  They are all worth seeing—even if it is just through online images—and learning about.