World Headlines: US Moving Towards Theocracy

Posted on the 10 March 2012 by Isiswin @Isis_Win

By Isis Win

Only a few weeks away from the official republican nomination, the candidates still in the race are throwing the best of their punches. It is clear at this point that likely Romney will get the official nomination, but no without a lot of pain inflicted by the humiliation of barely getting enough delegates, perhaps not even have the needed number. Analysts in the field estimate he may be 75 votes short. But anyone who is not a political or news junky knows that anything can happen and an unexpected turn may take place. That is why Gingrich, Santorum and Paul are still hanging on and hoping, hoping for the best. Also the reason Romney will face a very painful process to become the contending candidate to president Obama.

Santorum and Romney are playing their “best” cards to gain the final delegates to make it to the primary in good shape. But part of those punches, something that is not new at all, is that Santorum is fighting Romney based on the few issues many republicans have in sight to decide who will represent them in the upcoming general elections: Religious points such as the right to abortion, same gender marriage and anything that falls under the flag of religious conservatism. A sign that at least a good number of republicans are aiming towards a Theocratic regime.

I suppose this is something that would not surprise anyone. For the last decade, one of the predominant headlines in the media around the world comes from the Muslim world. Their message, their involvement in the political process of those nations, the dominance of their power and of course, Jihad. But this is no exclusive of the Arab world since many Muslims as well spread their religious message anywhere else in the world and such clearly aims to theocratic government in any nation where the majority are Muslim. What does that have to do with the US? Nothing at all with the sole exception that our political process is heavily loaded with demands and offers from the republicans that care more about eliminating the right to abortion and deny all constitutional rights to gay, lesbian and transgender people.

A smaller number of republicans are focused on issues that are more pertinent to the American political process such as our economic future, employment, international policy and migratory legislation. Republicans among themselves today, are as divided as the nation is. Although not surprising either, the aspirants to the official nomination had shown the widest difference between each other. Although, many times all of them had flip-flopped to prevent losing a few votes. However, if we put the republican party of the old days, the republican party of Reagan next to the Tea Party, anyone that doesn’t know any better about politics wouldn’t scape to notice the broad difference. What happened? A bad choice and a bad move happened.

When McCain started to feel pressure about his running mate, he rushed into action and believed having an ace to fire. He chose beautiful, fast talker and blunt Sarah Palin. Just about everyone jump to look into the TV screens, see her pictures on the magazines and papers and admired the incredible senator from Alaska. Who? Most didn’t know her nor about her. And everyone got excited. During her early days of her press work she let the world know “she stopped the bridge to nowhere”. As well, that she fired her gourmet cook and even sold her senatorial jet. Why? Why would an US senator do that? Because her consciousness didn’t allow her to perpetuate what she considered wrong, unnecessary and a plain waste of American tax payers dollars. The entire US watched her and the republicans celebrated having such an incredible future vice-president who in eight years – could become the first female president. Then disaster stroke. she wasn’t able to represent herself as herself, when the press cluttered her hectic schedule to get that wanted interview. And she could get that interview to showcase her radical conservative views of what in her view the United States of America should be. But it didn’t go right. And what went wrong, was the worse possible scenario any candidate to the White House could face. That cost as we know today, was the highest possible one. Republicans voters turned their shoulders on her and McCain, while Obama gained voters that never minded placing their vote ever before. And why did all that happen? Because she was unable to tell the truth to her interviewers and say that she didn’t have an answer to that question. Instead, she tried to stupidly con her way out and that cost the republican party any possibilities of winning the presidential election. The Tea Party was born and she fueled it with her passion for that extreme conservative attitude. Although she spoke in their behalf, she never was able to lead them because she lost so much credit and trust. The Tea Party took a life of their own and today we see its effects: GOP seems to be aiming towards Theocracy. Do not worry, past the elections things will go back to normal. Well, I bet you already know it. But sadly, the political process got damaged and the republican party got out of its tracks. Will the party recover? Who knows, but likely they will have to wait at least 4 more years. Considering the tradition of bouncing from one party to the other one every other presidential election . I disbelief Biden would run for the official democrat nomination, much less he could win the presidential election. But this is the world of politics and we all know that anything can happen, at any time.

Hopefully this matter of religious thinking and philosophy vanishes for good soon out of our political panorama and voters aim for what belongs to the US, politics and the world. It is a fact that we people of the world have a heavy role to be played in the upcoming years. Besides the financial problems the world is having same that so far are not solved, we have a seriously impending crisis with several middle east, African and Asian countries. As well, many Latin-American countries are not happy with the American policies and our continent is becoming more divided. But more important is the fragile status of our planet that has been disregarded by the split of opinion about the possibility that we are facing a threat to life in our planet due to global warming and the acceleration produced by the hefty emissions of toxic fumes into our environment. These last few years had been clear in this regard and the world had faced more major natural disasters in one year than what we used to in one decade. Not to mention that it is obvious today that weather patterns will continuously threaten our fields and  population. Perhaps, that is what we need to learn that everything we do in our lifetime demands paying our dues. Otherwise, what we do is inheriting a world of pain an unsafe world to our children, And I known as a parent, if it hurts having something that threats our selves, having something that hurts our children, hurts more. Therefore we need to get our act together now that we can, instead of waiting to when there is absolutely nothing that we can do about it. And that goes in all regards. Our social-Geo-political world and everything that surround us. All that we take for granted, do not pitch in to keep in check and seems not many appreciate. Except those occasional times in which we slow down to be awed by our wonderful planet and landscape. This was the statement by Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change. This statement was presented Friday, march 9 at a lecture in London. So lets keep things in perspective and where they belong. For starters, lets keep religion in our homes of worshiping and political matters at the booth.