World Class Wonders of Steiermark, Austria

By Linda

photo : David Wiley

Why suffer economy-class holidays and entertainment, when you can have world-class wonders at your door?

Try visiting the World Class Wonders of Steiermark

Why run with the herd, when you can be free to fly on mountain high or linger at leisure in your own rustic retreat?

With ‘olde worlde’ towns and ancient massifs, Steiermark has charm and a charisma few can resist. Its magic is gothic, its customs quaint. And with so many UNESCO World Heritage sites and attractions, it’s difficult to beat for a truly relaxing family holiday filled with fun, culture and excellent cuisine!

Styrian towns and villages have 21st century facilities, in settings straight out of fairy-tale books where castles keep watch over sleepy hamlets, whilst the sun warms the mountain meadows, babbling brooks and racing rivers.

All-season Styrian Holiday Chalet

When everyone else is plotting, planning and booking their holiday hotel, why not buck the trend and choose to stay in an all-season Styrian Holiday Chalet?

Your very own Austrian holiday home, where you are -

  • Lord of the Manor
  • King of the Castle
  • and where you can rest, relax and have peace of mind knowing you have given your family a truly unique experience they’ll never forget , far from the madding crowds and humdrum existence of horrible hotel holidays.

For more information about current availability feel free to drop me a line.