Hurrying up and down with a shrill voiceIt wakes up the populace finding solace in sleep, in a place which is nowhere Brushing aside the bodies, long, short, fat, thin, dark skinned, light skinned, all those combinations and variants of all kinds With no response to one, with no response to allDon't close quarters scare it?Is it the most asexual animal I've known?
Where is it from? Do they come from another planet?Where must have they been educated? Is it the university of the world, or the world university? Is it the epitome of a world citizen?
Is it the maturity, is it the disinterest ?Is it comfort with the physicality or the absence of itOr is it acknowledgement of equality, equality of all sortsThe grace with which it does it, doesn't pride sit on its shoulders? May be its ignorance may be its arrogance or may be its virtue learnt for the trade
"Ticket!" "Please give me change" it shouts out aloudYou must have seen it somewhere Wont world be a better place with more of them around?