Workshops in Cinema | Fade IN Beirut

By Saharg @Saharghazale

I love how workshops in various fields are being available to everyone now. With these workshops you can broaden your field of knowledge in almost every topic. If you are interested in Cinema such as screen writing or directing, FADE IN: offers all kinds of workshops in that field by screen writer & film maker Nadia Tabbara. The workshops range from few days to full on 6 month programs depending on the level you are interested in. Workshops are regular, all you have to do is register on their website. If you prefer private lessons, they offer that as well.

Workshops are for beginners and advanced writers.

Workshops include:

Creative Writing Workshop will start March 2, 2015 and remain for 4 days.

Creative Writing Intensive Lab 2X per month for 3 months

Screen Writing Lab A 3 month program

Advanced Screen Writing a 6+ month program

Documentary workshops

Private sessions are also available.

A great idea for every company is to sign up for the Corporate workshops which will help tremendously with creating videos for social media.

About FADE IN:

FADE IN: is located in Hamra, Beirut offers workshops in everything cinema: screenwriting, filmmaking, directing and producing, they  also offer creative writing workshop for novels and short story.

Classes are designed to understand your creativity and work with your process, not against it. Starting a new project is the hardest part, and FADE IN: is the they key that will unlock all your ideas and help you succeed.

 For more information:

Call or Whatsapp 71 931 722
or Email:


About the founder Nadia Tabbara:

Nadia Tabbara is the founder of FADE IN: and the head trainer of creative writing, screenwriting and filmmaking workshops. She’s the creative director of all video content produced by FADE IN:.

She is a screenwriter and filmmaker and has worked in the Film and TV industry in New York City for over 5 years. She has worked on Hollywood films such as “Step Up 3D”, “The Adjustment Bureau” and “New York, I Love You” and popular TV shows such as “Flight of the Conchords”, “Bored to Death” and “The Good Wife”.

Early in her writing career, she was invited to train with Jacob Krueger, co-writer with several Academy Award Winners.

Her feature scripts have advanced in Hollywood competitions and her short films have toured and competed in several international and US-based film festivals including SXSW (South by Southwest): Austin, TX and Milano International Film Festival: Milan, Italy

When Nadia is not teaching at FADE IN: or producing a project, you can find her drinking coffee and developing her next film.