Workout Wishlist

By Winyeemichelle

Little things of note on my workout wishlist. Sadly you heard me correctly...And now for something completely different! Since getting into the whole fitness and improved health thing, I find myself lurking sportswear realms much more often than before. I dutifully send a snap over to Sophia and then dither for 10 minutes before also dutifully clicking ‘Checkout’.
Currently I need to build up my light gym work and running kit. This means cropped leggings with invisible zip pockets to put my keys in, loose-but-not-too-loose tops with mesh panels for comfort and lightweight jackets that don’t scream ‘my Mum bought me this for P.E.’ I'm also building up quite the trainer repertoire - not only for running and hiking, but also because Hong Kong living literally requires it. There is no place steeper than HK Island...!
Additionally I'm hunting down super lightweight and breathable tank tops because it's already getting humid and warm here and no-one needs to see that combined with my post-run state ;)
  1. Eulampis 2 Shoes, £140, adidas.
  2. Run Seven Eighth Tights, £75, Stella McCartney for adidas.
  3. Nike Pro Core Compression Indy Polka Square Sports Bra, $259, Nike.
  4. Flow Y Bra IV, £38, Lulu Lemon.
  5. Printed Panel Vest, £12, F&F Active.
  6. Bobble Sport.
What are you hankering for at the moment?
Disclaimer: Not a sponsored post and I couldn't find any affiliate links!