Workout Wednesday: Nominate an Exceptional Woman

By Khourianya @khourianya
As you all know, I have been an ambassador for Chick'd Apparel for a while now.  One of the greatest things I love about this company is that it not only creates exceptional athletic wear - they also take the time to celebrate women and to help us see past the stereotypes.
Right now, Chick'd is hosting a pretty cool contest with an amazing prize.
Do you know a woman who is doing great things for her health or the health of her community? We want to celebrate these women and reward one lucky woman with $500 of amazing chick’d gear. Please email us at to nominate a special woman in your life.

The winner will be chosen through online voting in a couple of rounds. Nominations will be collected from Oct. 26-Nov 9 and first round voting from Nov 10-23 on Facebook

Then, the three nominees with the most votes will become finalists and further voting will take place between November 20-27 on the Chick'd website to decide a winner.  These three finalists will each receive a Chick'd #MyType t-shirt.

The finalist with the most votes will be awarded the grand prize of one of each of the items Chick'd makes (a $500 value!)

I've already nominated two women who inspire me greatly.  Can you think of any who inspire you?  Why not take a moment to write a few sentences about them and send them, along with a photo, to the Chick'd ladies at