Working from Home... Any More Ideas out There?

By Dotchi Latham @DotchiLatham
Between my back injury and my allergies, I have found it impossible to find a job where I can work outside of my home. I am a work at home mom instead. 

While I love working at home and having my own schedule, I find that it's either feast or famine when it comes to income. Either I have enough income and I am doing pretty okay or I have absolutely NONE for the month. This last month was the latter. 

I am selling homemade items on Etsy, selling things on eBay, writing this blog and starting another one, and working on a book that I hope to publish soon.

I can't really think of anything else I can do from home. So I am turning to my readers to see what you do. 

Do you work at home? What do you do? If you don't work at home, what would you do if you had the chance to start working at home?From The Baker's Acres! Read more at