Workers’ Dorms Open at Kim Cho’ng-suk Silk Mill

Posted on the 16 January 2017 by Michael_nklw @Michael_NKLW

WPK Light Industry Department Director An Jong Su addresses a January 12, 2017 reception marking the opening of living quarters for employees of the Kim Jong Suk Silk Mill (Photo: KCNA).

Workers’ living quarters at the Kim Jong Suk (Kim Cho’ng-suk) Silk Mill in Pyongyang were ceremoniously opened on January 12 (Friday).  The seven-story dormitories have living quarters for workers, dining halls, a reception room and entertainment facilities, according to DPRK state media reporting.  Workers’ Party of Korea [WPK] Light Industry Department Director An Jong Su (An Cho’ng-su) said in his speech that “respected Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un (Kim Cho’ng-u’n) highly appreciated the work style of the workers of the silk mill honored to become a model unit during the 200-day campaign of loyalty and took a benevolent measure for building a new modern hostel for them” and he called “on the officials and employees of the mill to add luster to the immortal leadership exploits the peerlessly great persons performed for the mill and remain faithful to the idea and leadership of Kim Jong Un.”  Mill workers moved into their living quarters “amidst the blessings of the people.”

Later the same day, residents of the mills living quarters and merited mill employees attended a reception.  An Jong Su that the reception reflected Kim Jong Un’s “boundless trust in, and love, for the working class.”  An called “upon all the officials and employees of the mill to always remember the honor of today and repay the benevolence of Kim Jong Un with loyalty.”

Filed under: An Jong Su (WPK LID), Central Committee, DPRK Cabinet, Economic Complexes, Kim Jong-un, KJI Personal Secretariat, Korean People's Army (KPA), Korean Workers' Party (KWP), KPA construction battalions, KPA construction brigades, KPA General Logistics Department, Light Industry Department, Ministry of Construction and Building Materials Industry, Ministry of Light Industry, Ministry of State Construction Control, Ministry of the People's Armed Forces (MPAF), State Affairs Commission, State Planning Commission (SPC)