Work in Progress…

By Pmeurice
Last week, I started a Portrait Class at Heatherley School
So far, not really satisfied with the work done… But Hey! isn't it the point to go and try to learn something new! This class is both a joy and a commitment : every saturday, six hours, for twelve weeks… We'll see how it goes. At the moment, I focus on learning. Portrait is NOT forgiving… Approximation is leading to frustration and disappointment. I then try to focus on getting in touch with what I observe from the model… Depending on the progresses, I'll be posting some views of my work later on. 
Bank Holiday weekend : I enjoy doing a bit of charcoal and practice Figure drawing as well as drapés. I almost finished one and now wandering if I am going to complete this drawing with other Figures… here it is : 

This is still work in progress… I will surely soften and enlighten some portions: I want to find more softness and more movement. 
More to come…