Words That Inspire.

By Erynecarter06

Everyone has a favorite quote, line of text, or bit of a song that inspires and motivates you. Words have a powerful effect on the human psyche, whether written, spoken or sung. We live by what others are saying, what we are hearing and what we are listening too. Sometimes these words are not always positive, at times even hurtful, but none the less, they are words.

For me, I live by words that inspire me. That raise me up, and make me feel as if I can do anything. Words that provide me with inner peace, or a sense of well-being. Words that make me feel love, joy, acceptance and happiness.

My favorite line of words is a simple quote, and one that is easily recognizable.

Source: (If anyone knows the real creator of this… I would love to be able to give credit where credit is due!)

Another favorite?


What is your favorite quote? #wordsthatinspire
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But the powerful words out there are endless. And each seem just as inspiring as the next. Whether you are looking to brighten a bad day, inspire you to try something new, to calm the fear of the unknown, or simply to motivate your health, know that there are words for every occasion. Below, I’ve compiled a some of my most inspiring words found. I hope they inspire you as much as they have inspired me.





Now I ask you, what are your favorite words or quotes?