
By Sarahcraftylocks

Sometimes you need a game to keep the children amused for a few minutes. So here is one that can be played with just a pencil and paper. We call it ‘Wordmind’ as you use your mind to guess the word. Wordmind

Sometimes you need a game to keep the children amused for a few minutes. So here is one that can be played with just a pencil and paper. We call it ‘Wordmind’ as you use your mind to guess the word. It works like this:
One person, the wordmaster, thinks of a word and put a dash for each letter on the paper (similar to ‘hangman‘ at this stage); then the others try to guess what the word is. In this game you guess whole words that are the same length as the number of dashes by writing the word down below the dashes.The wordmaster then marks at the end of your guess a cross (X) for a correct letter in the wrong place or a check (✓) for a correct letter in the correct place.
For example; say the word was ‘craft’ and the guess was ‘black’ then this would earn the following:

  • X for the letter ‘c’ as it is correct but in the wrong place
  • ✓ for the letter ‘a’ as it is correct and in the correct place

So it would look like this

_ _ _ _ _
b l a c k    X ✓

If the next guesses were ‘white’,'green’,'brown’,'brook’ and ‘crate’, then it would look like this:

_ _ _ _ _
b l a c k    X ✓
w h i t e    X
g r e e n    ✓
b r o w n    ✓
b r o o k    ✓
c r a t e    ✓ ✓ ✓ X

By now it might be clear that the first 3 letters are exactly correct and the ‘t’ is just in the wrong place – so it should be at the end. Thus a word that would fit is ‘craft’. Hurray!! The guessers have figured it out.

c r a f t    ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
