Wordful Wednesday - Kids Are Like Candy. What Type is Yours?

By Parentingsmh @parentingsmh
These used to be may favorite candies. 
Now?  Not so much.
Not since I discovered, like my post baby bump, and stretch marks, they're really.  
That's right!
They're not just candy anymore, they're the dudes.  
Don't be.  
It's not as complicated as you think, and it came to me rather simply. 
Here's my top 5 ways the dudes are like candy:
1. Sour patch kids - Ever see the sour patch kids commercials?  First their sour, then their sweet.   Toddlers are a little bipolar.  I know, I know.  They're just learning the crazy social world we live in and don't have a large enough vocabulary to communicate, but you have to admit they've got some crazy in them.   Toddlers bop you over the head, bite, hit, and scratch you, then  a second later they go all huggy bear on you.

2. Hershey's Kissers - So then there's the creepy baby kisses.  You know the ones where they slowly come up to your face with their mouths open, kinda zombie like?  Cute, but still a little weird.

3. Smarties - You always hear about the terrible twos, but only parents can tell you about the 3 year old smarty pants syndrome.  Where "no", "I don't want to", and "nothing", become suitable answers to any and all questions and requests. 

4. Snickers - Of course, this only happens when you're frustrated, tired, and ready to tear your hear out.  They look at you and fall out in stitches because they somehow think your on the verge of a breakdown demeanor is hilarious.
5. Twix bar - If you have more than one kiddo close in age, you know that at times they're like two rival gangs fighting over territory.  Other times, its like wonder twins powers activate and they're like a couple of twix bars tag teaming against you.

When they're fast asleep it's all send and done, I love my dudes like nobody's business.  They're my almond joy (with nuts), my little jolly ranchers, and my biggest and bestest payday.   

Leave a comment and tell us what candy best describes your kid(s)?