Word of the Year

By Adrienne Boswell @chiccalifornia1
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Word of the Year

Have you made any New Year’s Resolutions for 2015? Me neither! I’ve never been a New Year’s Resolution kind of person.  I have, however, noticed a growing trend of people choosing a theme for their year. Kind of a credo or motto so to speak all wrapped up in one word.  This word  would describe how they want their year to go. After much thought, mine came to me. (in the shower of course, where all my best thinking is done!)

My word for 2015 is fearless. Why did I choose fearless? Well, for many reasons. 2014 was a year of procrastination for me. Especially the last few months. I procrastinate when I am overwhelmed or fearful of some outcome. I have a tendency to develop a story in my head about what will happen if I do A or B or C.  What if I fail? What if I look stupid? What if I sound stupid? What if it’s not perfect? I’m always a little bit scared of the outcome. And in general I’m a glass half full kind of person. So this thought process is very subconscious.

Maybe I’m getting a little wiser and bolder. I want to meet challenges head on without fear of failure. Sure, things probably aren’t going to go as planned on many things. But if I don’t get moving past the fear and try, how will I ever know? Of course, fear will always be there. I’m just not going to let it overwhelm me. I will, however, let it tell me not to go bungee jumping or sky diving or participate in other reckless behaviors!

But I won’t let it stop me from growing my business in new directions. It won’t stop me from trying new things and old things in new ways. It won’t paralyze me.  It won’t stop me from asking questions for fear of looking stupid. I won’t let it overwhelm me into complacency or inaction. My goal this year is to move beyond fear and have a little more faith.

What’s  your word of the year?