Worcester Runs Boston: My First Exhibit

By Sara Zwicker @SaraZwicker

A few months ago a friend of mine contacted me and asked if I had any interest in participating in an exhibit called Worcester Runs Boston that one of her photographer friends was kicking off for local runners who have run the Boston Marathon. I really didn’t know what it entailed, but in a knee jerk reaction, I said I was in.

Over the following weeks, I talked with Jeff, the photographer multiple times about the project, provided him with some information about my Boston Marathon experience and then on a rainy Saturday afternoon, I found myself in a photography studio doing a photo shoot for this exhibit.

Well, the exhibit was unveiled at a popular local cafe that also has a great gallery space in late May and I went with my boys to check it out. I was really nervous for some reason, probably because my picture and story were up on the walls in a space that gets a ton of traffic for everyone to see. However, I was really pleased with the final result and actually received quite a few sweet messages from local friends that were in the cafe and saw my picture and read my story.

It was kind of hard to capture the whole exhibit as it spanned a pretty long section of the gallery but I think Jeff did a great job.  Here are some shots I took.

Here is a little bit more about the Worcester Runs Boston project:

Here is the group shot that was featured in the exhibit:

And then my personal photo and story

This was a really fun project to be a part of.  The exhibit was hugely successful and I hope that my story was able to bring more awareness to the MMRF and all the great work that they do.  An added bonus is that Jeff sent us all our professional shots from the photo shoot to keep. Here are just a few from the shoot.

The exhibit just ended after being up for over a month.  We were able to go back down to the gallery and get our framed photo right off the wall to take home, which was really cool.  We are currently redesigning our house, so I don’t know where I am going to hang my picture, so it’s sitting on a chair in our house right now, but you better believe it will be on a wall for years to come (right next to my bib and medal!!)

I hope you all have a great weekend…see you in a few days!


Question of the day

Have you ever participated in an exhibit like this? Been to one?