Woolzies Eco-Friendly Wool Dryer Balls Review

By Thepracticalmommy2 @PracticalMommy2

One of my biggest pet peeves about doing the laundry is waiting for the clothes to dry in the dryer. With an older dryer like mine, which is going on 8 years, it can take forever for the clothes to dry. And forget about waiting for a load of towels! Since I don't have the option right now to hang my clothes out on the line, all I can do is sit and wait. 
A solution to this is using Woolzies Eco-Friendly Wool Dryer Balls. Thanks to Tomoson, I was given a box of these dryer balls to review. 

Image thanks to Woolzies

According to the makers of Woolzies, these wool balls made from 100% pure New Zealand wool can reduce drying time by up to 25%, PLUS:
  • soften clothes naturally, eliminating the need of chemical fabric softeners
  • help eliminate wrinkles
  • reduce static
  • are hypoallergenic. 

Image thanks to Woolzies

In one box of XL, there are six dryer balls guaranteed to last for 1,000 loads of laundry. They work by bouncing around in the dryer between clothes, allowing air to circulate better and dry the clothes faster.  I was skeptical at first. I didn't think these simple wool balls could really do the job. Was I ever wrong!  After using them only one time, I noticed a HUGE difference in drying time. What normally took 2-3 hours (or more sometimes) to dry a large load of towels only took just about an hour, if not less! 

I now use Woolzies in every load of laundry. This is what I've noticed:
  • Drying time is cut down significantly
  • While not silent, the dryer balls make a gentle 'thumping' noise 
  • Wrinkles are reduced
  • Clothes have a softness and do not have static
When talking about these to a friend of mine, she asked me if they were safe for cloth diapers. As far as I know, they are safe for cloth diapers since they are chemical free. Check out their FAQs here for more information. 
I highly recommend Woolzies Eco-Friendly Dryer Balls! They can be found at www.woolzies.com or on Amazon for around $33-$35 for a XL pack of six (see the Amazon capsules below!). 
Marissa is a stay-at-home mom who writes pregnancy and parenting articles on HubPages as ThePracticalMommy, as well as shares her motherly escapades on Mommy Knows What's Best
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. This post does contain affiliate links, which help with the cost of running this blog.