Woodland Wedding Ideas

By Claire

Wed­ding plan­ner Car­o­line Gould (no, we’re not related!) emailed me a few images from a cre­ative wed­ding ideas shoot a few weeks ago. I was smit­ten — because this is a shoot with plenty of ideas includ­ing cute lit­tle details you can use on your own big day (all too rare in UK wed­ding shoots), a groom (still quite rare! — and he’s soooo gor­geous) and plenty of indi­vid­u­al­ity and char­ac­ter. It was instantly a given that I’d want to share this shoot with you on Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog.

With thanks to Car­o­line Gould Wed­dings for sub­mit­ting the shoot and shar­ing her write up and ideas with us today! The images are by wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phers Nick Ilott Pho­tog­ra­phy and Ross Dean Pho­tog­ra­phy.

There’s a com­plete sup­plier list below for you to use as ref­er­ence as well. Enjoy! Claire xxx

Car­o­line Gould explains, “When I first met Emily and saw Ken­ton Hall Estate, a new wed­ding venue in Suf­folk, I knew we had to find a way to use it for some­thing! Because of the beau­ti­ful grounds at Ken­ton Hall we decided on a wood­land themed wed­ding inspi­ra­tion shoot.

We drafted in some of the most tal­ented sup­pli­ers from the region, giv­ing every­one the chance to show­case their prod­ucts and ser­vices to a wider audi­ence. The major­ity of the sup­pli­ers were fel­low mem­bers of the Suf­folk Wed­ding Net­work that I run with Ross Dean (www.rossdeanphotography.com).

The shoot included two beau­ti­ful dresses, fan­tas­tic flo­ral pieces, a great unique venue, and a deli­cious cake (unfor­tu­nately we had to eat it after the shoot – extra calo­ries really are one of the down­sides of my job!).

You can’t always rely on the weather in the UK so despite the fact that the shoot took place in the sum­mer, we brought the out­side into the mar­quee bring­ing in wood chip to make an area for a cel­e­bra­tion cer­e­mony, foliage, wooden benches and even brought in some trees!

Whilst you can’t legally get mar­ried in the mar­quee, there are lots of beau­ti­ful areas at Ken­ton Hall where you could have a wed­ding cel­e­bra­tion cer­e­mony. Ken­ton Hall Estate don’t just do wed­ding recep­tions, they also have a glamp­ing area with a Yurt and Shep­herd Hut avail­able for hire.“

Wood­land wed­ding suppliers