Woodburning Stove High Efficiency,.home Made from Gas Bottle. Fan Flue.

By Futli @futlim

Here is the stove I made for my shed. It is fan flued and has a heat exchanger ( 24 feet of 15mm copper tube) located in the vertical section of flue just before the fan. 2 kilowatts is extracted here and piped to a radiator. The remainder of flue is 2 inch aluminum.You may note the flue stays cool as little heat is wasted to outside unlike in a large diameter conventional flue. In the clip the flue is unfinished but now it is terminated right up to the main roof level so the smoke disperses well.The stove is lined all around with a fireclay mix to keep combustion temperature high . The fuel here is very poor stuff, some old leyllandi trees I cut down last year , but once the chamber is glowing almost anything will burn. Not sure how often the fan impeller will need de gunking, time will tell. This fan is a little noisy as its a 10 year old one from a scraped combi boiler and bearings are worn.
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