Wondering Where You Misplaced Your Vitality? Win A Free Radiance Session!

By Saraholeary @saraholeary

photo: Kenneth Dagenais

I talk a lot on this blog about looking and feeling radiant.

That comes from the inside out, so I share quite a bit more than my stash of herbal and natural wellness tips. I also write about that confrontation with our internal obstacles, those gremlins that keep us stuck and trip us up on the path to vitality.

And while I love to write about all these topics, I’ve discovered that it’s even more exhilarating to share my knowledge and tools with women one-on-one.

When I see that light bulb go off and watch a woman take steps to true transformation – well, I am seriously lit up myself. This is my heart’s calling, my deep service.

It’s inspiring me to reach out and connect with more women this way.

I can help YOU get your radiance on!

Introducing your Personal Herbalist and Radiance Coach…..that would be me.

What the heck is a Radiance Coach you ask? Well keep reading… I’ll get to it.

To celebrate the official launch of this heart-centered service I’ve decided to GIVE AWAY THREE FREE RADIANCE STRATEGY SESSIONS.

Scroll down to get the details on how you can win a free radiance coaching session.

But, first let me share with you a little about my vision.

Why do this radiance coaching thing? And why midlife women?

In my quest to become clear on why I feel so deeply called to this work, I’ve begun to develop a bit of a manifesto. It’s in progress, but here’s a peek:

photo: 3rd foundation

The Radiance Manifesto

I believe there is profound power inside women at midlife. It’s a bubbling cauldron, a fire of vision and luminescence that sparks the action and creativity to make meaningful difference in the world.

It’s waiting to be unleashed!

The menopausal passage awakens a wisdom and a sense of self that may have remained latent for years. To access and harness this power, a woman first must cultivate self-love and build a foundation of health and harmony in her physical being.

My goal is to bring forth this inner radiance, so that you can use it to bring more healing to those around you, thus creating a ripple effect that ultimately can produce a shift in consciousness and a healing of our Earth.

So What The Heck Is Radiance Coaching?

A genuine sense of health and harmony stems from much more than a practice of good health habits. A spirit of fun (and even a few vices in moderation) is part of a healing protocol.

Every woman has her own unique path to well being, and I assist you in accessing your own inner guidance to find your specific tools, practices and allies to cultivate your luminosity.

Rather than give a laundry list of remedies and recommendations, I listen deeply and then tune into my own intuition to ask what will best serve and encourage nourishing growth.

I work with women who are walking through the profound transformation of midlife and into the wisdom years.

I am on a mission to unleash that transformative power and to dispel the cultural notions that older woman are used up, sexless, invisible and unwanted.

Learn the details about my Radiance Strategy Sessions here.

A Powerful Fusion

So now you know that I help stoke your inner pilot light by building a foundation of physical well being. And that we’ll tackle those internal demons that hold you back from being who you want to be and living the life you want to live.

I offer you a powerful fusion of herbal health consulting and life coaching.

It’s me being there for you – to offer exactly what you need in this moment, at this stage of your life, to feel utterly vibrant and energized from the inside out.

Together we nurture the radiant, powerful fountain of juicy inspiration and spirited love that is waiting to be unleashed.

I’m so done with all the negative talk about how women are ‘invisible’ after a certain age, or that once we’re no longer reproducing we’re pointless. What a bunch of BS!!

Want To Win A Free Radiance Strategy Session?

I know you want to get in on this!

It’s easy!

You’ve got two options (and if you do both, I’ll put your name in twice!)

1. Leave a comment below. It can be as brief or as lengthy as you want. (Note, no special sign-in required anymore!)

2. “Like” the Holistic Hot Sauce page on Facebook and post something on the page. (A thought, a comment, an image – whatever.)

I’m keeping this contest open for the next 7 days (until March 8th). But – if you’re ready for a Power Surge, don’t delay! Comment or visit me on Facebook right now!

I’ll put all the names in a hat (or maybe a cauldron) and draw three winners at random. Then I’ll get in touch with you either via email or Facebook (if that’s how you connected) so we can schedule the session. It’s that simple.

You can dance into spring (or fall) feeling charged up, radiant and revitalized!

Can’t wait to meet you!

< photo by: 3rd foundation