Wondered Up

By Owlandtwine

I pull back the curtains this morning.  Grey.  Snow.  Oh lord.  I slip back into bed and pull toasty covers right back up.  And pick up Rich before making coffee. And fill myself up with the only promise getting me through right now:  language.
A wall I have hit.  Still, I'm not going to type out a rant even though I have been battling with one internally for days now.  It's working itself out.  Always does.  But cold and snow does not help this woman who positively wants warm long days now.  Now.
I went through some old photo files recently and came across this set of film taken in Boston and Maine.  I looked at them for a good long while, reminiscing, feeling gratitude for family and travel and beautiful places.  And film.  As I type this a song titled La Mer plays.  Pause and smile.
The little ones lately.  They walk up to me casually and fire off questions that simply insist I get on my tip toes and do a little twirl.  What is DNA?  What are cosmetics?  What is sly?  What's a cynic?  Theo was telling me about an experiment they did in class with white eggs and brown eggs.  The kids paired off and were given one white egg and one brown egg to peel.  The experiment was to see which color egg was easier to peel.  (Brown.)  I asked him what prompted the experiment and he said one day they were just wondering all these things about eggs and then they just wondered up an idea.  Wondered up.  
I ask them if they know what salubrious means.  They look at me with googly eyes.  
Have I ever told you how they are the breath of fresh air in my soul?  The best thing that's ever happened to me.