Wonder Woman Swimsuit ... For Super Girls Who Love Power

By Getgoretro

Wonder Woman Swimsuit -- You can wear it all the time if you want!

Aren't we all super girls with some kind of power : )  Do you have have flashbacks of your Wonder Woman PJs from the forties, fifties or sixties? If Lynda Carter pops in your head with her super hero outfit, perhaps you would love release your inner Wonder Woman fantasy and wear your own super hero outfit  to the pool with the confidence of a superhero in this playful and adult styled Wonder Woman swimsuit.
Patriotic red, white and blue with gold and stars ... you'll be a real super hero out on the sand!
And yes, a suit you can call "Wonder Womanish!" You may even want to wear your suit around the house .....  Available at Get Go Retro!
If you have some time, check out this great article on "Wonder Woman Through the Ages!"

Wonder Woman's powers have grown over the years -- but she's always been a powerhouse for DC -- able to hold her own against Superman. (Courtesy DC Comics)
Did you know that?  I didn't"

Wonder Woman's early appearances lacked the feminist appeal that later versions have had. (Courtesy DC Comics)