Women Want to Be More Daring – but Worry What Mum Would Say…

Posted on the 12 May 2014 by 72point @72hub

Half of women admit they would love to be ‘more daring’ – but worry ‘what mom would say’, a new study has revealed. Researchers found millions of females yearn to quit their job, take time out to travel or get a tattoo, but fear the backlash from the leading lady in their life.

Others said they had considered ditching their current partner, getting their hair cut very short or even posing for a sexy photo-shoot.

But most are too terrified to take the plunge amid fears they would disappoint or offend their dear old mom.

A number also claimed they would worry about upsetting their children, partner or boss too.

Other things women deem as too risky include getting a piercing or dying their hair a bright colour, the poll of 2000 women found.

Emma Saunders from Chrysler Ypsilon, which commissioned the study, said:

“It seems within many of us there lies a desire to be a little bit edgier or bring a bit of excitement into our lives.

“However, we often have a lot to juggle and have to stick to our routines to ensure we get things done day to day, but sometimes that can mean being a bit predictable and always following a virtuous route.

“Clearly the desire is there to indulge our wilder side, but the worry about what others think is something that never leaves us.”

Almost one in five women polled said they would like to jet off to a sun-drenched destination and the same number said they would like to take part in a professionally shot naked photo-shoot.

One in six said they would get a tattoo if they could get away with their mother never knowing with 16 per cent saying they would like a trendy bikini wax, or fancied a very short haircut.

Others also commented that they would like to walk around naked, ask a celebrity out on a date and swim with sharks.

Fears over disappointing mom was the most common reason not to undergo a big change, but money problems were also a factor.

The study also found just one in five women would describe themselves as a ‘risk taker’, while age 27 was the time in their lives where most women started to play it very safe.

Emma Saunders added:

“It appears that when we reach a certain age, life pressures often mean that we are unable to take risks and live adventurously.

“We have launched an Ypsilon Vice or Virtue challenge to empower women to step outside of their routine and dare to be different.”


1. Singing in public / karaoke
2. Asking for a pay rise
3. Travel or holiday alone
4. Do a naked photo-shoot
5. Get a tattoo
6. Have a bikini wax
7. Get your hair cut very short
8. Ask someone out on a date
9. Quit their job
10. Have cosmetic surgery
11. Take up pole dancing
12. Eat alone in a restaurant
13. Buy a sports car
14. Go speed-dating
15. Walk in a pub on their own
16. Take up an extreme sport
17. Play an instrument in public
18. Buy a pair of designer shoes
19. Go blonde
20. Get a piercing