Women Having Sex with Gay Men is a Very Bad Idea

Posted on the 02 September 2015 by Calvinthedog

Juno writes:

So Robert, according to you, girls have to be out of their mind when they have sex with a gay guy. To some extent I agree with you. And that goes for the gay guys in fact too, in my opinion. But the reason you give, namely that it’s a health hazard for those girls because of the ‘infection rates’ among gays, is quite outrageous. You obviously have no idea how homophobic that remark is.

Why do so many gay men have sex with women? Why in God’s name would they even want to? They’re gay, for Chrissake! And if you ask one of these guys, he will say, “Oh no, I am not bisexual! I am 100% gay! But I want to have sex with that woman.” What the heck? How many straight men run around having sex with guys all the time? Not that many. A very common complaint among fag hags is that completely gay men are often trying to have sex with them. I don’t understand gay men. You’re gay, right? So go have sex with men, ok? Knock yourselves out. But leave women alone – it’s ridiculous.

Women having sex with gay men has to be up there on the list of high risk behaviors for women.

Gay men have a 20% HIV rate. Many of the women getting infected with HIV nowadays are getting it from bisexual men, especially Black men on the downlow. Straight men have a very low HIV rate.

At least in the past, gay men had very high rates of Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis A epidemics periodically flared through various gay communities. Hepatitis B is not common among straight men, and Hepatitis A is almost unheard of.

Gay men also have very high rates of syphilis. In fact, 2/3 of syphilis cases are among gay men. Syphilis has very low rates among straight men. Most who have it are illegal aliens screwing illegal alien whores from Mexico who go to a house of 20 illegals and do them all.

Gay men also have much more gonorrhea than straight men. Outside of the group sex and porn scenes and picking up skanky, often Black, street hos, it is quite hard for a straight man to get gonorrhea.

Ameabiasis, giardiasis, shigellosis and salmonellosis are parasites, and straight men have very low rates of infections with these parasites. Gay men have sky high rates of infection with all four of these parasites.

Any woman who has sex with a gay man is insane.