Women Authors I Like

By Bameskaur Pabla @bameslive
Being a chain reader and book addict means that I have a massive collection of books to read (both in print and ebook forms) -- 513 at my last count. Among them are books that have been written by women authors. 

You see, I don't discriminate. To be perfectly honest, I never look at the author's name. I normally read the blurb or the summary on the back cover of a book (if it is in print form) or the short summary normally available for ebooks -- if I like it, I get a copy of the book; simple. It is usually much later (way after I have read the book) that I get to learn about the author. And when I really like the book, then I watch out for more books by that author.

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn (Photo credit: bubbletea1)

There are women authors I really like. The moment I learn that they have a new book out, I get the usual symptoms of a book junkie desperate for the next book fix. My list features ten of my preferred women authors along with the book I most love among those that they have written:
  1. Jodie Picoult -- The Storyteller
  2. Margaret Atwood -- The Handmaid's Tale
  3. Suzanne Collins -- Hunger Games Trilogy
  4. Veronica Roth -- Insurgent Trilogy
  5. J.K. Rowling -- Harry Potter 1-7 and The Casual Vacancy 
  6. Gillian Flynn -- Gone Girl 
  7. Marie Lu -- Legend
  8. Isabel Allende -- The House of the Spirits
  9. Caragh O'Brien -- Birthmarked
  10. Kathryn Strocket -- The Help

What about you? Who are the women authors you like?