Woman Within Halloween

By Buxomchick @BUXOMCHICK
Did you know that besides carrying plus size clothes-Woman Within carries Halloween costumes?  I have been looking into a good costume for next year.  I would get one this year, but as I mentioned in a previous post-I have been on a shopping kick lately and am strapped for cash until next month. 
They are kind of on the pricey side but I feel that it is worth it because the costumes come with everything except the shoes.  But you have to look at the long term.  You can use the green hat for another costume next year and the corset for regular outfits.
 If you already own boots than you don't need to buy any for this costume!
I mainly love this costume for the stockings.  I can use those with virtually any skirt or dress!  That hat could be used with outfits as well.  Yes-I would use the hat with an outfit if it fit the occasion!