Wish You Were Here

By Heidi @missfinn

You know when you see a picture of a place and you feel that urge that you wish you were there? Have you ever had that feeling? Well, I’ve had that feeling a lot lately. I haven’t been on a plane for quite some time and I realised recently that my passport expired two years ago and I didn’t even know it. How sad is that? I used to travel much more. Is it having children that stops you from traveling so much? Is it work? Is it the routine of life and all the humdrum of it that keeps you from making plans to get the hell out of town for a couple of weeks? Money, or the lack of it usually plays a part, but I firmly believe that you can make anything happen if you REALLY WANT IT. I know this to be true because I’ve just paid off my yoga teacher training course (one month to go actually) and when I decided to do the course nearly 18 months ago, I had no funds to do it but the Universe replied with always enough money in my account to cover it. Sweet, sweet divine Universe! This year hubby and I have talked about taking the kids to Japan, going to India and booking a few days away for just the two of us to Byron Bay. We also have to plan our Christmas road trip to South Australia. And so, we mostly likely won’t be making our getaway an international one this year, but as we have to drive across 3 states to get to hubby’s family in South Australia, it certainly will be a trip where we make many memories.

Do you have any plans to travel or have you already had an amazing travel experience this year already? Also, I’d love any road trip with kids advice you can give me!

love & light xo