Wisconsin Gun Business is Booming

Posted on the 26 July 2011 by Mikeb302000
The Green Bay Press Gazette reports
Area firearm instructors and gun dealers are seeing a steady increase in business since the concealed carry bill was signed into law.
The law requires gun owners to prove they have completed training to receive a permit allowing them to carry a concealed handgun, club or electric weapon, such as a TASER.
Training options include courses offered by certified firearm instructors, the state Department of Natural Resources or a law enforcement agency.
Naturally I was wondering just how inadequate that required training is. I suppose it's better than what's required in Arizona, but probably not much. To get an idea, the optional training, the one that people who really want to be responsible can take over and above what's required, is described here.
Training courses cost between $100 and $150 and last from three to eight hours. Topics covered include safety, firearm maintenance, shooting fundamentals, and liabilities and law.
Is it any wonder guns do more harm than good in our society. In Wisconsin, not only will we soon have many more insufficiently trained people owning and carrying guns, some who will actually misuse those guns, but the gun flow into criminal hands will increase. It's simple math.
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