I thought with this whole polar vortex madness and my developing frost bite, why not make a mini-series about beating the cold? This will be a few posts or so about everything and anything cold related- you name it. Seriously- if you have a specific requests, be sure to leave them below; otherwise, I have some ideas up my layers of sleeves. For my Southern hemisphere ( and elsewhere) friends, all of my ideas can apply to you as well. Today's post is all about activities for those snow days where you have practically watched every show on Netflix and are at a standstill. I hope you enjoy it and leave a comment with your favorite snow day activities! xx
If you haven't already seen these all over Tumblr or are not a Pinterest addict- then I present you the memory jar. The idea is that whenever something good happens to you or something happens that you don't want to forget in 2014, you write a little note, throw it in, and read them all on New Year's Eve. I never got around to actually making one last year, but I decided to make a tradition out of it this year, seeing as I am a very forgetful person and it should be interesting. I got inspiration for the actual decorating from this video, but really all you need is some scrapbook paper, ribbon, and a little glitter. If you were wondering, mine is the one on the left and the one on the right is for my friend Alex.
Something I've had in my room for as long as I can remember is my pin board, over-stuffed with memories, inspirations, and decorative clothing tags past. Along with collaging, creating a pin-board can be a fun activity when boredom comes to insanity. I always love passing my board by my closet and it is also funny to reflect with my friends about our not so great years. Above all, unlike collaging, you can always switch out an update the pictures as you please, which I probably should seeing as I have pictures from eighth grade.
Last, but certainly not least, is curling up with a good book or even magazine. Who doesn't love a good read? As of late, I have become more and more invested in finding time to read, despite having little to no free time with school. I'm always looking for new books, so if you have any suggestions, please leave some below and let me know if you've read any of these (links to each book are attached by the way) Hope you guys enjoyed this post. I'll be back with some new posts very soon! P.S. Excuse my face in the last picture. I don't know what I was doing, haha.
1. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green or anything by John Green really
2. It's Kind of a Funny Story by Ned Vizzini
3. Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell
4. The Carrie Diaries by Candace Bushnell
5. It by Alexa Chung 6. Staying Strong by Demi Lovato