Winter Solstice, Nature and Me

By Sophiecussen

December is always an awesome month for me and there are several reasons for that.

Even though I'm getting older I still get pretty excited about my birthday because it usually means heading to the Lakes for a short break. But that's not my only reason I love December.

Christmas and all it's trouble enjoyment is a big occasion, but it's also the approach of winter solstice that really gets me animated. Can any other tilt of the earth produce such significance than the winter solstice just by it's very meaning - marking the shortest day!

For someone who struggles with lack of light at this time of year (I've really had issues being able to adjust thanks to November being so grey), the 21st December is the day when we can say good bye to dark and hello to light.

Winter solstice has been a special cultural, as well as astronomical event since ancient times so I don't fear to be alone in my zealous enthusiasm of wanting to make a big deal of this ( need I even mention Stonehenge). Celebrations around solstice have included banishing of evil spirits, keeping alight the yule log, changing of the season and celebrating the re-birth of the year through festivities and food.

I asked others what they thought of when I mentioned winter solstice and the answers always came back the same - lighter evenings, lighter morning and of course, Spring coming along. All great things to be happy about, I think.

While there will be no formal celebrations in my home I have been out and about enjoying nature these last few days because I personally feel that's the best place to actually sense the change in me and in my surroundings. Being in the Lake District last week was a real mood booster. I can't think of anywhere more fitting to enjoy winter weather. The skies were blue with occasional snow flurries and while the overall temperature was cold it didn't matter when I was wrapped up and ready to take a walk on the wild side.

Going to the Lake District is probably the closest I ever get to a spiritual experience. Being outside with all that space, clean air and striking scenery just makes me feel very humble, at total ease and always happy. I come away from the Lakes feeling refreshed and hopeful, brimming with new ideas and things I want to get involved in next year.

So the 21st might just be another date in the calendar but I think this one is pretty special. Warmer, longer we come!

Just a few shots from my recent Dec walks...(click on photo to make it larger) Where is your favourite place to relax and unwind?