Winter Eats: Crock-pot Sausages

By Bolanrox

Weather like this calls for something hearty, but I want something on a bun, something that may or may not be topped with cheese, and hot sauce.

Something easy to make, with very little clean up. So out comes the Crockpot, and in goes one of my favorite treats: Sausage and Peppers. I will say I would rather them grilled, but given the snow / sleet / rain, that’s not happening.

Dead easy to make: put the chopped onions and peppers (and mushrooms if that’s your thing) in with the sausage. You can or cannot cut them up, that’s your choice. Add some water / wine / beer and some tomato sauce. I prefer very, very little, or none at all if given my druthers, but using a whole can is what most recipes call for. Beyond that its set and forget until it is time to serve.

I say use a nice sandwich roll, and stuff it full with some added toppings, or keep it barebones. It is infinitely versatile and adaptable so run with it! I am fund of picking up some random stuffs from the Grocer’s olive bar and scoop some of that onto it.  I also tried a pub style cheddar cheese the other day, that was made with mustard seeds (and I think beer), that would kill on a sandwich like this. Stone ground mustard and sausage is one of those perfect matches.  Again, if it tastes good together, toss it on, come up with some crazy combo!

Beer with this? The usual suspects: Saison, Pils, maybe a Lager?