Winning Wednesday

By Maxwell1212 @MummyToTheMax
As many of my friends know I love to enter competitions however for about 6 months I haven't been entering many competitions. It became a pain to keep up with all the competitions I used to enter and I found I wanted to make time for other hobbies and spend more time with Maxwell however it is safe to say June/July have been amazing months for me and it's nice to say I am back in the comping zone. Every competition I win I am thankful for. Thankful for the fact that the prize I have won will change my family's life in some way. Here are a few of the fabulous prizes I have managed to bag myself over the last few months!

Remington Pearl Hair Wand I was extremely happy to win this prize as I had wanted to win a hair wand for a long time. I am looking forward to using it to get summer curls as well as using it for special occasions like my sisters wedding.
8 Boxes Of Jubbly Ice Lollies These Ice Lollies seem to be keeping us refreshed all summer and they taste delicious! We were sent lots of different flavours, so we have not managed to get bored of them yet. Maxwell is a huge fan of them and has been enjoying them a lot in the garden.
Jet Pack Backpack I adore this backpack and I can not wait until Maxwell is able to use it. At the present moment he has a backpack for nursery but I have put this away for him to enjoy in the next few months. I am looking forward to seeing him use it as it has tons of storage space and has a funky design.
Bear Side Table This is such unusual prize however it is one of my favorite prizes. We are still waiting for delivery on it however I can not wait to put it in Maxwell's play room. There are not many children who can say they have a bear table however Maxwell is one who can!
Munchkin Bath Squirters These have been placed in the Christmas stocking box as Maxwell currently has a lot of bath toys however I know he will adore these when he opens them at Christmas. With 10 in a box I am sure Maxwell will not get bored of them.
£5 I won £5 on a click to win and although it is not a lot of money, it will purchase Maxwell a little treat which he will enjoy. I love winning money prizes however this is only my 3rd one since I have been entering competitions. 
£50 Amazon Vouchers I believe I was extremely lucky to win this prize and I am truly thankful for it. As a organised parent I have now got all Maxwell's Christmas and Birthday presents however I still have 2 presents left to buy. I have not bought them as they are a little too big to store however this voucher will buy the 2 presents left in a couple of months time! We will now have some extra money to spend on a family day out.